Rachel Fox
Writer of supernatural thrillers, paranormal tales and a little bit of horror.
Winner of Authotrope - I made the darkness Halloween competition and
short listed for Writers Magazine Christmas Ghost story.
After writing for my own amusement for many years I finally discovered ABCTales.com. An online community where I could post my work and have other writers read and comment on it. To my surprise they seemed to like it.
My story ‘Crepuscular’ – a shadowy tale of unearthly darkness – features in The Grim Keeper Halloween Anthology, available on Amazon Now.
I am one of three winners of the AuthorTrope ‘I made the darkness’ Halloween writing contest. One of the prizes was to have my short story ‘The Exchange’ made into a video and audio piece. You can see it here. You can also read the original story here.
My first full length novel ‘The Herring Hanger’ was a published in Canada in 2017 and my new novel 'Margaret' is now available on kindle.
Thanks for visiting my website and please come back soon.